Art & Design


Art and design at Millfields Primary School aims to embody the highest forms of human creativity. The primary goal of our art and design education is to engage, inspire, and challenge pupils. We seek to equip children with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent, and create their own works of art, craft, and design. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical understanding of art, think rigorously, and appreciate the role of art and design in shaping our history, culture, and national creativity.


Subject Leaders will monitor the effectiveness, processes and outcomes through observing displays, sketchbook scrutinies, pupils discussing their art/design journeys with peers and subject leads to facilitate. We will also ask staff to share best practice throughout the year, and from this, we will ensure that each key stage is covering the necessary knowledge and skills.


Our Art and Design curriculum fosters creative expression and confidence, allowing each child to feel empowered and valued. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • A reflection on skills achieved against the planned outcomes;

  • A public celebration of learning which demonstrates progression across the school- a board which is constantly updated with a range of work from Foundation Stage to Y6;

  • Pupil discussions about their learning; which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work

  • Sketchbook scrutinies

  • Monitoring display of children’s work in corridors and classrooms



Our intent at Millfields is for children to use the technology associated with the computing subject to broaden their learning beyond their lived experiences. We aim for children to be inquisitive individuals who can use technology to explore, educate and develop. Children will approach projects creatively, using their knowledge and skills to select resources with confidence to enable problem solving in their own unique style.

In addition, by exposing children to a broad and exciting range of technological opportunities throughout their time at Millfields, they will leave our school with the knowledge and adaptability to use technology analytically and artistically.


Computing at Millfields is thought of in three strands: information technology, digital literacy and computer science.

E-safety, part of digital literacy, is taught throughout the year at the start of each half term. From this point onwards, in addition to computing lessons, children are exposed to curriculum-enhancing experiences which enrich their cross-curricular learning. Children achieve the objectives of the computing curriculum, while using the technology to maximise their immersion within their learning.

As children progress through the school, creativity is the dominant theme of their computing education. They will enjoy creating animation, image editing, game creation, coding, office processing, video editing and website design to name a few. The children understand how this can not only impact their computing knowledge in school but also enhance future prospects.

Children begin their exploration of technology from Foundation Stage, where they are encouraged to use iPads to explore the world around them.

KS1 will focus on building the fundamental skills in areas of computing that develop across all year groups. Threads that run throughout all year groups are: programming, simulations, creating graphs/information graphics and accessing information on the internet. KS1 also supports the skills needed for animation and game creation.

In KS2, the children will develop these areas further whilst also exploring data logging, online resources, word processing. They develop the use of spreadsheets, presentations, online forms and video editing.

As well as building on these skills from lower down in school, the children will build up the skills and knowledge to become confidently autonomous in their computing learning.


The impact will show in children’s confidence when using technology. We want children to build resilience when tackling new problems or programmes and use this transferable skill throughout their lifetime, not just at Millfields.

By broadening children’s knowledge, they will leave primary school at an advantage in relation to their cultural capital. Our children will have a more in-depth, wider knowledge of computing and the world around them.



Geography is, by nature an investigative subject, which develops an understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. At Millfields, we aim to deliver a high quality geography curriculum which inspires, in all pupils, a deep curiosity and immense fascination about our wonderful world. Our approach to teaching will equip our pupils with knowledge about local places and physical and human features. Our children will also be given exciting opportunities in order to develop their geographical skills: using maps, globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name and identify countries, continents and oceans. We want children to enjoy and love learning about geography by gaining knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and high quality educational visits.  A good level of geography teaching will enable children to provoke and answer questions about the natural and human worlds as well as encouraging our children to develop a greater understanding of their immediate surroundings, our world and their place in it.


In order to maintain high standards of teaching and learning in Geography at Millfields, we implement an ambitious curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Through our exciting, vocabulary rich curriculum the children will explore the knowledge and skills they need to develop a broad sense of belonging within our local environment as well as in our wider world. At Millfields we strive to ensure that Geography has the same importance given to it as the core subjects, as we feel that this is key to enabling all of our children to gain ‘real life’ experiences. For example, using the local area to follow and create maps in Key Stage One, building on these skills and knowledge throughout Key Stage 2 to study Europe and the Wider World and the impact that we, as humans, have upon it. Geography, for our children, will be an exciting, thought-provoking journey that starts in the early years and evolves through to the end of KS2. We implement this through high quality education, which promotes a love of learning about our world. Geographical learning will be accessible and engaging for all learners. This will consist of a variety of different skills and knowledge, including, problem solving, and fieldwork.


As a result of our high quality Geography teaching, we will create resilient and independent learners who enjoy exciting learning experiences and who are able to make links to their own life, their place in our world and an awareness of the future. The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Millfields are equipped with an abundance of geographical skills, knowledge and vocabulary that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. We want the children to have thoroughly enjoyed learning about geography, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences now and in their future. The children will understand how geography ‘happens’ in their local area as well as having a good understanding of the world around them and how it has been shaped. The progression in the curriculum will provide the children with a wealth of rich geographical vocabulary, enabling them to become effective communicators.



At Millfields, we aim for a high quality history curriculum which should inspire in all of our pupils a curiosity and fascination about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge about the history of our local areas, Britain and the UK, and how this has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. Through a progressive, exciting curriculum the children will know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world like ancient civilisations and empires and what this means for us today. We look at changes in living memory and beyond living memory; the lives of significant people of the past; understanding the methods of historical enquiry and use what we have learnt to ask and answer questions. Our children enjoy learning about history, gaining knowledge and acquiring skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in history, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. History is taught across the year and linked to other subjects where it lends itself to this, focusing on the knowledge, skills and vocabulary stated in the EYFS and National Curriculum. At Millfields, we ensure that history has the same importance given to it as the core subjects, as we feel this is important in enabling all children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences. For example, using the local area through our Port Sunlight topic, to comparing the similarities and differences in different periods in time in Key Stage 2.


The impact and measure of this is to ensure that children at Millfields are equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.



Science is a core National Curriculum subject and an essential element of a full, rounded education for every child. We teach science because it is a means to understanding the physical, biological and chemical world in which we live, key ideas that are what our children want to learn about. Science lessons will allow our children to develop key knowledge and to ‘know more and remember more’ regular retrieval opportunities. This will allow them to continue to make progress each year. Science will be engaging and brought to life and children will be able to see the relevance of each topic in their own lives. Science work must be practical and investigative. Our aim is to enable our children to think like young scientists as they use and develop the full range of ‘working scientifically’ skills. Our children will have the opportunity to investigate and take risks with science. Through our skills progression, children will have the required building blocks to be able to apply their knowledge and conduct pupil led investigations On leaving Millfields, it is our intent that children are able to ask their own questions and think of appropriate ways to investigate and answer these questions. Science will be an important part of their lives and they will have developed the key knowledge, vocabulary and necessary skills required as they move onto secondary school.


 Our long-term science plan ensures coverage of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. The Working Scientifically’ elements are also clearly outlined to ensure good progression throughout the Key Stages. Science work is contextualised wherever possible, and units are linked with examples of real-life scientists to raise pupil awareness of career opportunities. Science will be taught weekly to ensure that children’s knowledge and skills is continually built upon. Teachers will have a clear understanding of what children already know and what they will go onto know. Teachers will be provided with regular CPD from our highly trained science lead to ensure that they are confident in delivering science and ensuring that the strands of working scientifically are met. The science lead will support this by offering planning, drop in and mentoring sessions throughout the school year 


 Children will be confident in the 7 ways of working scientifically across the science topics. As children progress through each year group, they will become increasingly confident in asking and investigating their own questions.

Science will be monitored by the science lead through assessment, observation and pupil discussion. Children will be given sample test questions throughout the year to assess knowledge and to provide them with chances to apply their knowledge to different contexts. Staff meeting time will be allocated to sharing good practice. The Science lead will meet with teaching staff to discuss science in their classroom and to look at next steps. 



At Millfields, we would like every child to see themselves as musically able, to have the confidence to sing & to participate in music lessons and to be able to play a variety of unpitched and pitched instruments confidently and appropriately. We want our music lessons to have a positive impact on the children’s emotional resilience and well-being.

Every child needs to be given the musical knowledge in order to develop the musical skills of listening, appraising, improvising, composing and performing. They should be able to use these skills with confidence to improvise and to compose; to listen and to appraise and to critically reflect on others’ work. We also believe it is important for every child to be able to express themselves through music and to understand others through listening to other musical compositions, therefore allowing for awe and wonder moments and spiritual opportunities. 


We use Music Express Curriculum scheme to provide a basis for a consistent teaching approach. We use this quality scheme as it provides the level of structure and support to teachers who are non specialists in music. CPD is provided for all teachers to develop confidence to teach music. As a school we have a strong emphasis on vocabulary and so it is important that correct terminology is taught and used.

The following are opportunities for performance: assemblies, Church Services, music lessons, community events, Christmas Fair, extra-curricular activities, choir, whole-class instrument lessons


Monitoring will include recordings, use of iPads, lesson observations and pupil voice, to ensure correct vocabulary is used. Evaluation to inform next steps.

Physical Education


When pupils leave our school we want them to have good knowledge and understanding of healthy active lifestyles, enabling them to make positive choices related to their own health and wellbeing beyond the school gates. We want our pupils to have good levels of physical fitness including strength and stamina and pupils should be able to use a range of social skills they have learnt in PE and apply them to different social contexts. All pupils should be inspired by Sport and have the confidence and desire to take part beyond the classroom.

Our curriculum will support pupils in developing the basic physical skills needed to access PE and Sport, encourage independent decision making and the application of strategies to solve a problem. Competitive opportunities will be an important part of developing social skills such as use of positive language and communication when working collaboratively or as part of a team. The curriculum in our school will be delivered in a fun, engaging and enthusiastic way with a focus on ensuring each lesson, session and opportunity is accessible by each pupil.

As a school we value the impact PE and Sport can have on other challenges facing our young people including linking learning in PE lessons to Maths, English and other foundation subjects, developing resilience, attendance and punctuality, supporting pupils with SEND and managing emotions.

PE and leading a healthy lifestyle is a hugely important part of our school. Staff will have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum, through regular CPD with expert sports coaches. Our PE curriculum will enhance the skills and knowledge of all children and be accessible to all. It will maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in all areas of PE and develop fundamental movement within every lesson.


The PE curriculum at Millifields is designed specifically so that children master the fundamental skills in EYFS and KS1, in order to have the knowledge and physical skill to be able to apply them into broader contexts which progress in increased difficulty and added complexity throughout KS2. By this we mean that within EYFS and KS1 children focus on games and fundamental skills (not specific sports). In KS2 children are using the same skills learnt in Ks1 but in a much broader way to allow increased application and complexity through rules, tactics and strategy. The below tables show how PE progression is secured at Millfields.

All PE lessons have the same three outcomes, physical, thinking and social or healthy lifestyles. This supports all children in achieving and ensures the focus of every lesson is much more than just developing physical skill. All lessons also follow the same structure to support consistent teaching approaches. The below diagram illustrates the structure of a PE lesson at Millfields.


Millfields CE Primary School aim to improve the well-being and fitness of all children in terms of the specific skills taught and knowledge obtained, but also through the underpinning values and disciplines it promotes. Our teaching will demonstrate evidence of children’s increased attainment levels through progress made across each unit. Children’s participation in lessons and their engagement in developing skills will be high.

Regular verbal feedback will be given within lessons to praise and ensure children apply the correct technique. Children will become stewards of their own learning and support peers to continue to improve and excel.

Data analysis will show children progressing in terms of their knowledge and application of skills in a range of PE activities. 

Class teachers will ensure that through teaching and learning that all children understand the impact of physical activity on their own body (linked to Science topic).

Children will develop a wider range of subject specific vocabulary and be able to talk about how they can improve on their own performance.

There will be measurable impact of swimming through a high (90% or above) swimming percentage over 25m.

Children will be eager to attend extra-curricular clubs and participation rates will be high. This will lead to teams winning competitions at local and regional level. 

Furthermore, children will foster a life-long commitment to physical activity.

Extra Information

PE Kit: Children wear a school PE Kit. It is our belief that if the child looks smart they will perform well and have a positive experience in lessons.

Access to sports experts: Over the period of the year, children will have opportunities to work with PE experts such as Edsential and Commando Joe’s.

Children will be given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, competitive sport and Sports Day. 

Intra-School Events: Children will have opportunities to compete against children from other schools.

Extra Curricular Activities: Children will have access to PE outside of the school day including clubs, matches and tournaments.

Enrichment opportunities: Children will have the chance to take part in a range of exciting activities they probably won’t have tried before. These are designed to boost enjoyment and engagement. This is a perfect way to build foundations for healthy, active lives.



PSHE is learning right and wrong, understanding feelings and to get on with others. 

The intention of the PSHE curriculum at Millfields CE Primary is that children can develop their skills, confidently exploring their personal, social and health education in a safe and child friendly forum.  Children are encouraged and supported to express their own views and make informed decisions, creating positive citizens in their community and in the wider world. We help children grow in confidence and give them opportunities to celebrate themselves and form healthy relationships rooted in respect with those around them.  Our lessons promote awareness of everyone being different and that this makes us special and unique.  We want children to feel free to be themselves and be confident in their life choices.

We strive to embed the skills of collaboration, listening, speaking and writing to enable children to use and apply the knowledge and confidence they have developed in their lessons.  Staff lay the foundations for them to develop personally, socially and form healthy attitudes to life and in their relationships. The PSHE curriculum also provides children with the knowledge to help them navigate and contextualise the world around them.


 We follow the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme and supplement this with My Happy Mind. All our children have regular, weekly PSHE lessons that are timetabled.  At Millfields CE Primary, we approach the RSE and PSHE in a faith-sensitive and inclusive way, seeking to understand and appreciate the differences and afford dignity and worth to all pupils, families and the wider community

Jigsaw PSHE supports the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to: 

  • · Have a sense of purpose 

  • · Value self and others 

  • · Form relationships 

  • · Make and act on informed decisions 

  • · Communicate effectively 

  • · Work with others 

  • · Respond to challenge 

  • · Be an active partner in their own learning 

  • · Be active citizens within the local community 

  • · Explore issues related to living in a democratic society 

  • · Become healthy and fulfilled individuals

An important part of the Jigsaw PSHE programme is delivered through the 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' puzzle pieces which are covered in the summer term. 

There are four main aims of teaching RSE:

  • To enable children to understand and respect their bodies

  • To help children develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development

  • To support children to have positive self-esteem and body image

  • To empower them to be safe and safeguarded.

Throughout these lessons there is a focus on using the correct scientific vocabulary at each stage.  The link below gives a full list of this vocabulary.


The aim of teaching PSHE is to help children to become informed about their decisions and beliefs and give them confidence to grow through life in a respectful and accepting way.  It is about them knowing right and wrong and when to seek help.  Mutual respect underpins healthy relationships and knowing that even though others may not share your opinions and thoughts, it is still important to listen and show kindness.

The teaching of PSHE is a forum for supportive discussions that are age appropriate using tools to deliver well planned and thoughtful opportunities that help children to see their role in the world and how others are different and how this is a point to celebrate these differences. 

We want children to leave Millfields as citizens of the future who will nurture the world they live in and put their Christian Values first, guiding them to make the right choices no matter how hard it may seem.  We want children to be healthy and we see the whole child development as the most important part of our jobs in school.

PSHE has a huge variety of links to the whole curriculum and is the starting point for so many lessons and activities.  We are shaping our children to carry on their education and giving them the best life chances we can and it all starts with PSHE.  

Design & Technology


At Millfields, our ambition is to deliver a high-quality Design and Technology curriculum, which develops the children’s enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose in designing and making products and in learning about food and how to cook. We strive to develop creative and curious learners who can embrace change. Through the development of relevant knowledge and skills, we aim to grow children’s creative, technical and imaginative thinking so that they can design and create innovative products for a range of users. Children will have the opportunity to apply their learning to produce their own ideas and reflect on the success of their work. They will learn about the importance of nutrition and how to create and cook simple recipes. Our ambition is for children to become resourceful, innovative, and competent young designers, who will develop the ability and confidence to problem solve by stimulating creativity and imagination through the creation of quality products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs.


Children across all year groups will be provided with opportunities to explore age-appropriate materials and tools. They will have opportunities to design and build their own products, exploring how things work and how they could be improved. They will be challenged to design solutions to real-world problems. Design and Technology is taught through areas of learning in accordance with EYFS documents and the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2.

Achieving and maintaining high standards is integral to our approach at Millfields and we will implement a Design and Technology curriculum that demonstrates progression of knowledge and skills across the whole school in line with our progression map.

Our curriculum will follow several key principles:

  • D&T is taught in weeklong blocks across each term, following the ‘research, design, make, evaluate’ model using specifically designed booklets to evidence this.

  • All Key Stages will teach the subjects from long term progression (3 areas each year from- food technology/ structure/ mechanisms/ electronics -each year group will cover Food Technology once each year).

  • Food Technology has a focus on Healthy Eating.

  • Teachers will encourage the correct technical vocabulary by planning and modelling the technical vocabulary to help embed the language in the children’s long-term memory.

  • Teachers are provided with regular opportunities to develop their own subject knowledge through sharing good practice.

  • D&T will be assessed using the school’s assessment model and ongoing monitoring will take place through book looks and learning walks.


Our Design and Technology curriculum is planned to demonstrate clear progression. Careful progression planning supports children in developing the skillsets required to succeed in an increasingly technical world. Our ambition is for children to leave Millfields with a good understanding of the importance of a balanced diet and the ability to prepare simple recipes that support this. Children will develop the ability to design and produce products of increasing quality to meet identified needs. They will be able to evaluate their work, reflect on what went well and what could be improved and apply this evaluation to future products. They will learn to work in cooperation and collaboration with peers. Children will leave Millfields equipped with a range of transferable skills that enable them to thrive in the future.

Modern Foreign Languages


At Millfields, we believe it is essential that our children are offered a balanced and varied curriculum. The opportunity to experience learning a foreign language is a critical aspect of this aspiration and offers opportunities to explore other cultures. Delivering a high-quality languages curriculum should supplement core subjects, deepening children’s curiosity and understanding of the world they live in. Children should begin to develop the confidence to express ideas in a different language as well as responding to others, using both verbal and written communication. By introducing a modern foreign language in primary school, children will develop the skillset to learn further languages as they progress to secondary school and beyond.

Our ambition is that pupils will learn to:

  • Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources.

  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency, and spontaneity.

  • Begin to construct grammatically correct sentences in response to enquiry questions.

  • Develop an appreciation of foreign languages.

MFL in our school is taught in accordance with the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages.


Children across Key Stage 2 will have access to a high-quality Spanish curriculum following the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. This will allow for progressive development of children’s Spanish skills through regularly taught and well-planned lessons, taught by the class teacher. Children will acquire a growing bank of vocabulary, grammatical knowledge and language skill using age-appropriate topics as a framework. Lessons will ensure appropriate levels of stretch for all children, ensuring pupils learn to continuously build their knowledge and enjoyment of Spanish. Language Angels lessons are categorised by ‘Teaching Type’ making it easier for teachers to identify the most appropriate unit to teach at each stage. This ensures the Spanish being taught is at an appropriate level for the children. Children will gradually learn to listen to and read longer works in Spanish. They will e taught with and without scaffolds, frames and with varying levels of support. Wherever possible, Spanish lessons will link to cross-curriculum themes.

 The curriculum is designed to continually revise and consolidate previous learning, across the four key language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Grammar concepts will be gradually introduced throughout all units. A progression map (including grammar) supports teachers in ensuring children are making expected progress in their Spanish learning and are taught grammar at the right time – bring taught discreetly throughout all relevant units. Grammar Explained units support teachers to ensure pupils gain exposure to all appropriate grammar by the end of the primary phase.

Each teaching unit is divided into six fully planned lessons, ensuring coverage of the five key language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar.

Teachers are offered appropriate support and CPD opportunities to support them in their teaching of MFL.


Each unit is designed to support teachers to assess children’s progression against the Key Stage 2 curriculum, using a purpose designed assessment tool from Language Angels. Teachers can use this data to track the progress of individual pupils / groups and target interventions as appropriate. Children will have access to self-assessment tools to monitor and reflect on their own progress.


As well as classroom teaching, children can consolidate the Spanish skills through a range of online games on the Language Angels website.



At Millfields CE Primary School, English is at the heart of our curriculum. We know that acquiring English skills and knowledge is the foundation for learning in all other subjects and the key to our children becoming lifelong learners. We view English as a skill and not a standalone subject and for this reason we ensure our children are given opportunities across the curriculum to develop and apply their knowledge and skills on a daily basis. Reading and writing is a core part of our curriculum and we aim to equip children with the necessary skills needed to be successful in all stages of their education and beyond.

Through our literature rich progressive English Curriculum, we help our children to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to communicate effectively and creatively through both spoken and written language so that they are able to express themselves both clearly and imaginatively.


  • To ensure English knowledge and skills are developed throughout the whole school curriculum.

  • To immerse our children in the wonders of high-quality texts as we believe that fostering a love of reading is key to strengthening writing.

  • Through quality texts, develop our children’s ability to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

  • To ensure our children acquire and use a wide vocabulary and have an interest in words and their meaning.

  • Develop our children’s confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills. Ensuring that they are able to express feelings; listen actively; respond with sensitivity; discuss issues and defend opinions; argue persuasively and be able to speak clearly, concisely and fluently in a wide range of contexts.

  • To ensure our children can read easily, fluently and with good understanding. Ensuring that they develop a positive attitude and love of reading.

  • To ensure our children have an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.

  • To develop a fluent and legible joined handwriting style.


Millfields CE Primary School delivers a world class curriculum. It is accessible, inspiring and ambitious, so that every child is equipped to make a positive contribution. In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in English, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Our English curriculum begins in Foundation stage where we follow the EYFS framework and non-statutory Development Matters. In Foundation Stage our curriculum is built around both the Literacy and Communication and Language objectives. This ensures our children are equipped with the skills for a smooth transition into the National Curriculum.

Once children are in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, our English curriculum is built around the National Curriculum. Our English curriculum covers the programmes of study and each Year group from 1-6 cover outcomes for Reading, Writing and Spoken Language.

Teachers use a variety of schemes to support each of the different areas of the English curriculum. Each scheme has been carefully selected to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum.

To support our English curriculum we use the below schemes:

  • Little Wandle revised Letters and Sounds phonics scheme

  • EY2P Literacy for EYFS

  • Read to Write

  • Spelling Shed

  • Letter joins


Our high quality and literature rich English curriculum will ensure that our children leave us with the foundations for life and ready for the next stage of their education by developing their knowledge and skills across all parts of the English curriculum.

They will apply the knowledge and skills from their English lesson to all curriculum areas. They will read widely and often for pleasure and enjoyment and have an excellent knowledge of the literature available to them. Our children will read fluency, ease and have an excellent comprehension skills. They will have a wide vocabulary to draw upon for both spoken and written language and have a fluent and legible handwriting style that they can use with speed and ease.

Continuous assessment of the progression in English will be part of the normal teaching process to ensure progression and continuity. Formative assessments will be made during lessons and reported to parents at the end of year report. We use a variety of tracking systems in school to monitor progress across the curriculum.  In addition to this English also has statutory assessments.

Statutory reporting and assessments in English:

  • GLD to be shared with LA at the end of F2

  • Phonics screening check in Year 1, repeated in Year 2 for those pupils who did not meet the check.

  • Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SATS at the end of Year 6.

  • Writing TAF in year 6 to be reported to LA