School Office Information
Our Business Support Team
Mrs Alex Sherlock, Business Manager
Mrs Louise Beddows, Administration Assistant
Our office staff are available to help answer any queries you may have via telephone, email or face to face, so do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel: 0151 327 1722
The school office is staffed from 08:30 until 15:30, each weekday
We take the safeguarding of our children very seriously and it is important that we know their whereabouts throughout the school day.
If your child is unwell and not fit to attend school, please let us know by ringing, by sending an email or calling into the office, preferably by 9:10am.
Similarly, if your child is going to be late, please let us know as soon as possible.
The cost of a school lunch is £2.40 each day payable on Parentmail.
Children in F2 (Reception) and KeyStage 1 (Year 1 & Year 2) are entitled to a Universal Infant Free Meal each day. This is free.
Milk is available for all children in school and orders are placed with a company called Cool Milk. Please ask for further information from the office.
Free School Meals & Milk
Your child may be entitled to free meals and milk if you are in receipt of:
Income Support, or
Job Seekers Allowance (income based), or
Employment Support Allowance (income related), or
Pension Credit (guarantee credit), or
Child Tax Credit with a total annual income of LESS than £16,190 per annum but applicant NOT receiving working tax credit
You can get further details from the school office or apply via:
Medicines in School
Under certain, exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for children to receive medication during the school day and staff are happy to do this :
In cases of long term complaints or chronic illness e.g. asthma, diabetes etc
Cases where children recovering from short term illness are well enough to return to school but are still receiving a course of antibiotics.
Medicine request forms are available from the school office.
Medicine will be dispensed by our staff and only with a completed request form
We hold a small stock of uniform within school eg; Sweatshirt, cardigan, polo top, PE tops. These can be ordered and paid for on Parentmail.